Category: Cambodia

Canady Mao, an Assistant Director of Khmer Organic Cooperative (KOC)

Safe food, Healthy life in Cambodia

Writer: Phen Chhunhak and Lum Sereykut, Improvement of Livelihood and Food Security of Landless and Land-Poor Households and So Saody People start thinking of food they are eating nowadays…! Phnom Penh residents start changing their

You are ugly. But, I still eat you.

You are ugly. But, I still eat you.

Writer: Chhet Socheata, Keat Pengkun, Khann Kanha, and Sok Lina, Improvement of Livelihood and Food Security of Landless and Land-Poor Households Organic products are in higher demand in Cambodia although they do not look as

East meets West to expand the green agriculture in Cambodia

East meets West to expand the green agriculture in Cambodia

Writer: ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems Cambodia team ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS) recently welcomed seven delegates from the German’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Development Bank (KfW), GIZ Headquarter and