‘I eat, therefore I am’: Please Like, Comment, Post and Share

Writer: Rojana Manowalailao and Thitirat Uraisin, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems

‘I eat, therefore I am’ is a newly cooked Facebook page of ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems project for new age consumers who cares for not just themselves and their own health but other people around including those in their families, neighborhood, classrooms, workplaces, farmland, food industry and environment.

The idea of the Facebook ‘I eat, therefore I am’ comes from philosopher’s, René Descartes, famous quote, I think, therefore I am (meaning because I have ability to think, therefore I am existing. The ability to think makes human a human.) Thus, the meaning of the quote, I eat, therefore I am, is that eating makes us exist. Nonetheless, what most important is the way people eat.

Do people eat responsibly enough to themselves, society and the environment?

People become what they consume. And their consuming behaviors tell what type of people they are.

Therefore, the project creates this Facebook page to serve the purpose of making people realize and rethink the way they eat, which hopefully will lead to the change of perception and behavior afterwards.  

‘I eat, therefore I am’ is mainly based in Thai language, and it is hoped that it will be developed into a bilingual language of Thai and English, and also languages of other ASEAN Member States.

Gradually, ASEAN SAS wishes to see people change their consumption behavior and care more for their own health, society, and environment.

It is hoped the consumers will find their alternative into sufficiencient and sustainable living and take courage to become better responsible and change!

You eat, therefore you are.

‘I eat, therefore I am’: Please Like, Comment, Post and Share.

About Facebook in Thailand

According to figures released by Facebook in 2016, there are around 37 million active Facebook users in Thailand from 1.79 billion monthly active Facebook users around the world. Most of Thai Facebook users (63%) are between 18-34 age ranges. Approximately 52% of Thai Facebook users are male and another 48% are female. People in Thailand are highly engaged on Facebook (even higher than global average) interacting with friends, family and brands, uploading photos and sharing their comments.


  • +66 2 255 4202
  • asean-agrifood@giz.de
  • 39/1 Soi Sukhumvit 13, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand





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